The Government’s
latest attempt at a strategy for oil and gas was published in March but its
impact was somewhat diluted by the announcement on the same day of yet another change
of Energy Minister.
The poor bloke that
drew that particular short straw for the least stable post in the government is
now responsible for implementing the new strategy, such as it is.
Apart from a few
changes and some minor additions it’s actually pretty much a repeat of the
report published by the Oil and Gas Industry Taskforce back in 1999 although
actually the 1999 version was a bit more detailed particularly when it came to
things like technology needs.
This new strategy
includes all the usual guff about maximising the “economic production of the
UK’s offshore oil and gas resources” and all the other motherhood and apple pie
phraseology designed to make us think Westminster actually cares about more
than how much tax they can squeeze out of the industry to pay for all the other
messes they’ve created.
For example, one of
the aims is “to sustain and promote the growth of the UK industry’s supply
chain, in both domestic and international markets”. That’s an interesting turn
of phrase. It’s the UK industry’s supply chain not the UK supply chain. So that includes both indigenous and foreign
owned companies which is probably recognition of the extent to which the
industry is now dominated by overseas companies. It goes back to the eighties doctrine of the
“level playing field” which was really all about getting as much oil and gas
out of the ground as fast as possible in order to fill the Treasury’s coffers and
not caring who did it.
As with all good
initiatives it’s important to establish new bodies which can provide an
opportunity for the great and the good to be seen to be doing stuff. That’s
until they get bored or move on or have collected their OBE. True to form we now have an “Oil and Gas
Industry Council” to carry forward all the recommendations arising from the
strategy document. Where does that leave PILOT which was created in 1999 to do
the same thing? To wither quietly on the
vine I would guess.
OK – I admit I’m
being more than just a tad cynical here primarily because I don’t think the
1999 O&G Taskforce led to any great improvements and I certainly don’t
think it led to the much vaunted advances in technology that were talked about
being desirable then and indeed are still being talked about as desirable now.
Let’s look at one
particular and actually very scary statistic. According to the strategy report
the overall sector R&D spend in the UK is reported to be 0.3% of sales
which is a shameful figure when compared to Norway’s figure of 4%. So this aspect of the 1999 Taskforce’s master
plan failed miserably much as many of us involved expected it to.
One action arising
from the new strategy’s technology plan is the establishment of “a national
centre of excellence that will enable industry to better understand complex
reservoirs, reduce drilling costs, improve offshore efficiency, enhance
production and maintain the integrity of infrastructure.”
The Government has
now done that. It will be established at
Newcastle University. Why Newcastle?
I’ve no idea. Anyway it doesn’t really matter as it seems the Government
is only coughing up £7m for this “centre of excellence”. So – it looks like just another example of
Westminster “tokenism”.
The strategy also says
“The UK has very strong financial services and oil and gas sectors.
The two should be working closely together to create growth.” This would be novel because for the past 30
years or so the only growth the financial sector has been interested in is
their own. Expecting the financial
services sector to invest more in the supply side is very wishful thinking
especially now they are under so much pressure to increase their capital
So what’s the
answer? Well, there isn’t one. We can’t force either the operators or the
largest contractors/manufacturers to fund or invest in UK R&D if they don’t
want to nor can we force investors to cough up more to grow companies through
product or service development.
That said the fact
is that Norway’s R&D level is much higher because they have a larger number
of technology companies and they have a national champion to work with namely,
Neatly linking this
to the recent demise of Margaret Thatcher we should recall that she privatised
the UK’s national champion the “British National Oil Company” which was then
renamed Britoil Plc and later sold off to BP allegedly for peanuts.
It was claimed
Thatcher did this to ensure foreign operator investment in the N Sea. It was a
lame excuse because investment in exploration and production in the Norwegian
sector of the N Sea has been at least on a par or better than investment in the
UK sector but investment in the Norwegian supply side has been of an order of magnitude considerably
higher. There can be little doubt that
the BNOC decision wasn’t thought through and like a lot of others was purely
So do I expect this
new strategy to achieve real results? No
I don’t and my reason for saying that is that the one thing that would really make a huge
difference isn’t even mentioned. No – it’s not set up a new state oil company
although that would be a great idea and neither is it to introduce “informal”
targets for genuine UK content. The one
thing that would make a genuinely huge difference is to introduce tax offsets
on drilling costs as the Norwegians have.
But that’s probably a step too far for a Government that’s essentially
bust and needs the oil and gas tax revenue more than it ever has before. (First published in the Aberdeen Press & Journal's "Energy" supplement in May 2014)
Thank you - another thumbs up for this one...